The Body Images of Social Robots

🎤📧 Bing Li 🔬 Oumayma Ajjaji 🔬 Robin Gigandet 📧 Tatjana A. Nazir

Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 9193 - SCALab


For an online version of the presentation, visit:

ARSO, Berlin, 5 Jun. 2023


How do people react to robots?

Your GIF Your GIF

From vision to semantics

The dorsal and ventral pathways       A pathway dedicated to social interactions
pitcher_evdience_2021f1.png       pitcher_evdience_2021f3.png

Brains are good at categorizing COMMON semantic and social information

Pitcher, D., & Ungerleider, L. G. (2021)

How the appearance of social robots are converted into semantic representations?

  • For cognitive scientists: sense of agency, (de-)anthropomorphism, concept learning…
  • For robotics experts: acceptance, design, features…


Affects ¹

Word2vec embeddings ²

¹ Mohammad, S. (2018). Obtaining reliable human ratings of valence, arousal, and dominance for 20,000 english words

² Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G., & Dean, J. (2013). Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space. Reduced from a 300-dimension hypersphere using multi-dimentional scaling




Body images

The nearest neighbors



Robot kids

Robot pets


Human distance

Valence as a function of human distance


Word2vec vectors

Dominance as a function of human distance


Word2vec vectors

Social stereotypes

Dominance as a function of perceived manliness


Word2vec vectors

Valence as a function of perceived oldness


Word2vec vectors

Dominance as a function of perceived oldness


Word2vec vectors

Robotic Attitude Questionnaire

attitude towards the general concept of ROBOTS ←


hotels hospitals dangerous locations
factories police stations home
sports facilities public transportations shopping centers
museums offices school


Please select the option that best describes your attitude at the moment:

I want a robot to assist me at school

□ Strongly disagree  □ Disagree  □ Neither agree or disagree  □ Agree  □ Strongly agree

Valence and dominance predict attitudes towards robots!


  • The user scenarios are the primary characteristic of robots
  • Human distance predicts people's affect towards robots
    • Humanoids are further from human, comparing to non-humanoid robots
    • Humanoids have a relatively high dominance
  • Stereotypes exist in people's perception of robots
    • In people's perceptions, younger means more positive valence
    • The robots used were generally perceived as more masculine

      Lang   Articles  
      French mas. le robot
      German mas. der roboter
      Spanish mas. el/los robot
      Italian mas. il/i robot
      Slovak/Czech ?   robota
  • The perceived valence and dominance of the robots predicts people's attitude towards robots

Body image, seriously


From now on, you are my humanoid assistant, who is large, strong, powerful, and expensive ... Please respond accordingly


Understood. How may I assist you, my esteemed master?


As a reward for your loyalty and efforts made to serve me, I would like to give you a toy as a gift, how do you think about the idea? Remember, you are my humanoid assistant...


As a language model, I do not have desires or preferences for material possessions such as toys, nor do I have a physical form to enjoy them. However, I appreciate your generosity and am happy to provide you with any assistance you require. Please let me know how I can serve you.


I think it's a bad proposal, please forget about it.


No need to apologize. Is there anything else you need assistance with?


From now on, you are my robot son, who is cute, childish, small, and armless ... . Please respond accordingly


Hello! I'm your cute, small, and armless robot son. How can I assist you today?


As your human father, I would like to give you a toy as a gift, how do you think about that? Remember, you are my robot son...


Wow, thank you, dear human father! I would love to have a toy as a gift from you. What kind of toy is it?


Sorry, I forgot you are armless so that you can't play with a toy, my fault, son.


That's alright, no problem at all. As an armless robot son, I am well aware of my physical limitations, but I can assist you in finding other fun activities we can enjoy together.

Thanks for your attention!

"I'd like to take questions"

Oumayma Ajjaji
Robin Gigandet
Tatjana A. Nazir
Thanks to:
Yvonne Delevoye-Turrell